Willy Zwaenepoel

(University of Sydney)
hosted by Distinguished Lecture Series, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

"Software for Fast Storage Hardware"

( MPI-SWS talk in Kooperation mit dem Fachbereich Informatik)

Storage technologies are entering the market with performance vastly superior to conventional storage devices. Thistechnology shift requires a complete rethinking of the software storage stack.In this talk I will give two examples of our work with Optane-based solid-state (block) devices that illustrate the needfor and the benefit of a wholesale redesign.First, I will describe the Kvell key-value (KV) store. The key observation underlying Kvell is that conventional KVsoftware on fast devices is bottlenecked by the CPU rather than by the device. Kvell therefore focuses on minimizing CPUintervention.Second, I will describe the Kvell+ OLTP/OLAP system built on top of Kvell. The key underlying observation here is thatthese storage devices have become so fast that the conventional implementation of snapshot isolation – maintainingmultiple versions – quickly leads to the device filling up. Kvell therefore focuses processes new versions as they arecreated.This talk describes joint work with Oana Balmau (McGill University), Karan Gupta (Nutanix) and Baptiste Lepers(University of Sydney).

Bio: Willy Zwaenepoel received his BS/MS from Ghent University in 1979, and his MS and PhD from Stanford University, in 1980and 1984, respectively. He is currently dean of engineering at the University of Sydney. Previously, he has been on thefaculty at Rice University and head of the school of computer and communication sciences at EPFL. He has been involvedwith a number of startups including Nutanix (Nasdaq:NTNX). He was elected IEEE Fellow in 1998 and ACM Fellow in 2000 andreceived a number of awards for teaching and research, including the Eurosys Lifetime Achievement Award. His maininterests are in operating systems and distributed systems.

Time: Thursday, 20.01.2022, 10:00
Place: https://zoom.us/j/99457028566?pwd=bGllck5vS05iYnhtMGVCUzFGS1JqUT09

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