Dr. Daniel Neider
(TU Kaiserslautern)hosted by Fachbereich Informatik
"Antrittsvorlesung: Lernen endlicher Automaten"
Learning finite-state machines, also known as automata learning, has a longhistory dating back to Barzdin and Trakhtenbrot's seminal work of 1973.
In this lecture, we will first present a brief overview of developments inthe field of automata learning. Then, we discuss one of the perhapsbest-known learning algorithms, Angluin's algorithm.
Time: | Monday, 11.07.2022, 17:00 |
Place: | https://uni-kl-de.zoom.us/j/93532340379?pwd=ODZIQjNxdXIydEFsQVZUNHFqN05Fdz09 |
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