Information and further links for all questions about the organisation of studies (including study and examination planning, planning of studies abroad or working as a student assistant) can be found here.

Detailed information about individual degree courses (study plans, transitional arrangements, FAQs etc.) can be found under Education > Degree Courses.

Further useful information for freshers who have just enrolled for their degree course can be found under Education > For Applicants.

Information for Master's students, PhD students and bachelor students who are interested in a further degree course can be found under Education > PhD and Graduate School.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions which aren't answered here, please contact by e-mail at the below address:
Dr. habil. Bernd Schürmann
Gebäude 48, Raum 373
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
Tel.: 0631/205-2507

Further Information

Weitere Informationen