Xuân Tùng Nguyễn

(INFN / University of Padua)
hosted by Seminar Series on Scientific Computing

"Neural connectivity: a parallel in vitro and in silico analysis"

In this talk, we will analyze neuronal recordings obtained by multi-electrode arrays (MEAs) on in vitro neuronal cultures from prof. Vassanelli’s laboratory, trying to estimate synaptic connectivity between the neurons. To this aim, we will adopt several time series analysis techniques, including transfer entropy and coincidence analysis. We will develop a silico dynamical model of the biological neuronal network, building on the standard Izhikevich model and adding some realistic constraints on the network topology. The model will be used to simulate neuronal time series and validate the connectivity inference methods. The end goal of the project is being able to reliably estimate how synaptic connectivity spontaneously varies in time.

Time: Thursday, 16.05.2024, 11:45
Place: Hybrid (Room 32-349 and via Zoom)
Video: https://uni-kl-de.zoom.us/j/63123116305?pwd=Yko3WU9ZblpGR3lGUkVTV1kzMCtUUT09

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