Jiaxin Pan

(AG Maschinelles Lernen, RPTU)
hosted by Department of Computer Science

"Foundations of Large-scale Cryptography"

Modern cryptography, rooted in theoretical computer science, safeguards our digital society. The current research in this area mostly focuses on the feasibility of certain cryptosystems. Yet, the rise of large-scale applications (such as Big Data) and the impending threats from quantum computers necessitate the development of efficient next-generation cryptosystems with advanced properties, and robust security.
In this talk, I will survey several novel challenges that modern large-scale applications pose to cryptography and why traditional theory of cryptography fails to address them. After that, I will present the recent progress on these challenges, with a focus on my research in developing foundations for efficient public-key cryptosystems with scalable security. I will illustrate this with some highlights from my career, including my work on post-quantum cryptography and fine-grained cryptography. Along the way I will discuss future directions of my research, with the long-term goal of transforming the modern foundations of cryptography to secure next-generation, large-scale application in a theoretically sound manner.

Time: Tuesday, 23.01.2024, 16:00

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