Jan Rottmayer

(AG Scientific Computing, Prof. Gauger)
hosted by PhD Presentation Day

"Surrogate-based Optimization for Aerodynamic Design Optimization"

Aerodynamic design optimization is a crucial endeavor in the quest for improved aircraft performance and efficiency. The process is usually characterized by high-computation cost and long simulation times. With the utilization of surrogate models in the optimization process, the computational burden is decreased, and the design process becomes feasible. EGO, a global optimization algorithm, is utilized to efficiently explore the design space, while GPR serves as a surrogate model to approximate the complex relationship between design parameters and aerodynamic performance. The combination of these techniques enables rapid and cost-effective exploration of design possibilities, facilitating the discovery of optimal airfoil configurations that maximize efficiency and performance in aerospace applications.

Time: Monday, 29.01.2024, 14:00
Place: room 48-680

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