Studying Computer Science in Kaiserslautern

IT-Hochburg Kaiserslautern

Computer science is one of the newest and most fascinating sciences ever. Although the subject was only introduced in universities in the 1970s, today it has already permanently changed almost all areas of life. Within only 3 decades the subject has taken over the top position of all economic sectors in the industrial nations.

In short computer science is the science, technology and application of the systematical handling of information. This includes in particular automated processing, storage, representation and transmission of information. Looking at hardware, software and formal foundations is as much a part of computer science as the multitude of different and exciting applications and the impact on individual people, on organizations and companies and on society as a whole.


Although information technology is now taken for granted in many areas, computer science as a science hasn't lost any of its dynamism. In order to sufficiently cater for all areas related to computer science, the Department of Computer Science offers various degree courses. This includes

  • the traditional bachelor/master degree course Computer Science which deals with all important areas of computer science in sufficient depth and breadth,
  • several bachelor/master degree courses which deal with the construction of informatics systems in interesting applications,
  • computer science as a teaching degree course for students from high schools, secondary schools and vocational schools,
  • a new degree course in Germany "Socio Informatics" which looks at the relation human - organization - society - software,
  • special master degree courses in software engineering and commercial vehicle technology.

PhD Students

For excellent young up-and-coming scientists the department is one of the first locations in Germany to offer a PhD program which is open to students with a B.Sc.

The recently founded "Graduate School" provides all necessary information for interested PhD and master students.

Students and Beginners

For those interested in a bachelor degree course in the Department of Computer Science further information about informative events, location and application can be found under "For Pupils".

Students who have already enrolled can find required degree course information and documents under "For Students".


Studies dean Dr. Katharina Zweig
Gebäude 48, Raum 670
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
Tel.: 0631/205-3346
Studies advice
Dipl.-Päd. Christian Bogner
Gebäude 48, Raum 371
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
Tel.: 0631/205-2572