by Dr. Marco Caccamo, University of Illinois

"Impact of Multicore on Cyber-Physical Systems: challenges and solutions"

(Vortrag im Rahmen der "MPI Distinguished Lecture Series" in Kooperation mit dem Fachbereich Informatik)

The benefits of adopting emerging multicore processors include reductions in space, weight, power, and cooling, while increasing CPU bandwidth per processor. However, the existing real-time software engineering process is based on the constant worst case execution time (WCET) assumption, which states that the measured worst case execution time of a software task when executed alone is the same as when that task is running together with other tasks. While this assumption is correct for single-core chips, it is NOT true for multicore chips. As it is now, the interference between cores can cause delay spikes as high as 600% in industry benchmarks. This presentation reviews main challenges faced by the embedded industry today when adopting multicore in safety critical embedded systems. A discussion on the notion of Single Core Equivalence follows.

Bio: Caccamo received his Ph.D. in computer engineering from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy in January 2002 and joined University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign shortly after graduation, where he is a professor of computer science. He also has a courtesy appointment in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Illinois. In broad terms, his research interests are centered on the area of embedded systems. He has worked in close collaboration with avionics, farming, and automotive industries developing innovative software architectures and toolkits for the design automation of embedded digital controllers, and low-level resource management solutions for real-time operating systems running on multicore architectures. He has authored/coauthored more than 90 refereed publications in real-time and embedded networked computing systems. He has been a guest editor of the Journal of Real-Time Systems and he is the program chair of RTSS'15. He was previously program chair of RTAS and also served as both general chair of RTAS and Cyber Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek’11). He was also awarded an NSF CAREER Award in 2003 and is a senior member of IEEE.

Time: Thursday, 26.11.2015, 10:30 am
Place: MPI-SWS MMPI-SWS Saarbrücken, Campus E1 5, room 002
Video: Simultaneous video cast to Kaiserslautern Paul Ehrlich Str. 26, room 111