Dr. Max Sagebaum
(RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau)hosted by Seminar Series on Scientific Computing
"Introduction to cppfront – a new syntax for C++ – and compile time regular expression generation"
cppfront is an experimental new syntax for C++ initiated and driven by Herb Sutter. The project wants to explore ideas for a new syntax of C++ that makes it simpler, safer, and faster to write C++. cppfront does not want to create a C++ sucessor. It wants to evolve C++. In this talk, we will present the current status of the project and introduce the new syntax. Afterwards, the implementation of a compile-time regular expression generator is presented.
Time: | Thursday, 23.05.2024, 11:45 |
Place: | Hybrid (Room 32-349 and via Zoom) |
Video: | https://uni-kl-de.zoom.us/j/63123116305?pwd=Yko3WU9ZblpGR3lGUkVTV1kzMCtUUT09 |
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