The degree Ambient Systems deals with the technologies and applications of ambient systems, a new generation of networked embedded systems with intelligent sensor technology and actuating elements which largely function autonomously and without an operator. Ambient systems form the basis for many sophisticated IT system visions and solutions which effectively enhance people's competence and skills in the workplace and in daily life.

The positive vision is that if almost all objects are provided with some intelligence and the ability to communicate our daily life will become noticeably easier. The intelligent environment will support us in a natural way if required. That means that the use of ambient systems doesn't require any more attention than the carrying out of other daily tasks like walking, eating or reading. Students doing the degree Ambient Systems acquire skills from the areas communication, industrial process and control, embedded systems and real-time systems such as hardware platforms and software architectures with application experience e.g. in the areas automation, assisted living, intelligent production environments, factories of the future and Future Internet.