The amount of information and knowledge in the economic sector has been growing continually for years. Due to the continuing increase in networking this will not change in the foreseeable future. As a result companies are faced with increasingly greater challenges in the area of information management with regard to adequate information infrastructure. This concerns the development, operation and maintenance of various technologies, models and tools which support and ensure individual and organisational learning. The scope of tasks includes resource management (data and information) and personal information management (knowledge) as well as the combination of both aspects in the context of situational tasks to be accomplished or existing business processes but also all communication channels connected with it. Informationsmanagement

There are very interesting areas of activity and job profiles for computer science graduates in this area. In order to cater for this requirement the Department of Computer Science now offers a special degree course Information Management in cooperation with the Department of Business Studies and Economics. About two thirds of the degree is computer science and about one third economics.