There are various places in the Department of Computer Science and at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau in general where students can get advice about their studies.

Students can obtain most information about study planning and contents in the department. At the beginning of each winter semester the student representatives from the department organise a Freshers' Week. This is an opportunity for new students to familiarise themselves with the most important information required for their studies. Individual advice during studies is offered by the student representatives in the department, by the general course guidance service in the department and above all by the Personal Tutor assigned to each student individually. In addition to this there are regular presentations (currently in the summer semester) which provide information about the intermediate diploma, the structure of the main degree course and individual workgroups in the department. More information about this can be obtained from the student representatives. The professors are available during their consultation hours to provide further details about the activities of the individual workgroups. Information about events in other departments can be obtained from the corresponding places in other departments. The main contacts for problems with examination matters and special questions about examination and study regulations are the members of the Examination Board. The student member of the Examination Board can be contacted via the student representatives. In case of examination problems it is especially recommended to get in touch with the specified advice and information offices as quickly as possible. The office of the State Examination Board for teacher training courses for school teachers is responsible for questions about teacher training.